Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Day

So I went with my sisters and mom to go see Valentine's day the day after Valentine's day. I'm going to be completely honest here. I did enjoy the film... BUT... there were almost too many well known stars. The big problem with this is that someones got to be the bad guy, or in this movie, bad guys and it's people that you like and don't want to see be mean or make a bad choice. Also, with the tradition of these love stories that is full of all sorts of little love story instead of just one, there was the gay things there a little and I'm quite the mormon conservitive and I don't love seeing it. It's just not my cup of tea in my chick flicks. The whole time I couldn't help but think how they were trying to make it as cool as Love Actually but it just wasn't. Now i'm not going to tell you to see love astually persay because that movie is rated and for very good reason. But I will say this much, I love Love Actually and I am trying to get an edited version of it and that is the only way I will watch it now. But like I said, I did enjoy this movie and there were a lot of sweet little love stories and thoughts. I love Julia Roberts and wish she could have gotten a bit better role or more of a part. Anyway, I would say go see it if you have the time and money and just need something to do or watch. If you don't then don't think anything of it and see it when it comes out on DVD. It's not a must see in my opinion.

Sunday, February 14, 2010


3 new post of movies in theaters now so keep reading and don't forget to leave a comment

Dear John

I love this movie. I never read the book, my sister Sarah has so Sarah you'll need to see it and tell us how it compares. But Nicholas Sparks is the same Author that has brought us such movies as Message in a Bottle, A Walk to Remember, and The Notebook along with one that is coming out later on, The Last Song staring Mili Syrus. Anyway, this has the oh so cute Channing Tatum and yes there are plenty of shots of him without his shirt on, ummmm. And also, Amanda Seyfried from Mama Mia who, I'll admit, I don't love, her eyes just pop out a little too much for me. This movie is about a soldier who meets a girl while on leave and their long distance relationship. It takes place before and after 9/11 and in my opinion shines a very respectable light on our soldiers. I mean seriously, Channing in a uniform, ummmm. Anyway, there's a chance you might not love it, my friend Brandi who I saw it with didn't like it because it made her cry, and I did as well. So you will either like the end or hate it. I'm not going to say anymore about the story. I'm interested to here how you all like it tho so tell me what you think when you see it.

When In Rome

This was a very cute chick flick. I really did enjoy it. I felt like there may have been too many other guys in the story tho. I kinda wish that I could have seen a bit more depth build in the real love story. That is why I choose to call this a chick flick instead of a romance. But it was a lot of fun to watch, the colors were very vivid and the two star peoples (Kristen Bell from Heros and Josh Duhamel from Transformers) had such fun expressions. Although, like I said earlier, there was a lot of time with the other guys, they were very funny. There charactors were so cartoonishly iconed to many men that us ladies can relate to dating at some in our lives. Except for the Nepolian Dinomite guy, can't say I ever dated a magicain. Anyway, if you need a fun chick flick, take this one in.

Young Victoria

I should have been British for I love just about all things British. That includes the royals. But in all fairness I love any story about royalty, French, Russian,... Anyway, this story is about Queen Victoria and her husband Prince Albert. I got really excited to go see this movie so read up on the net of what their "true" story was. I was amazed at how closely they followed. Queen Victoria was played by the first assistant in The Devil Wears Prada and Prince Albert was Mr Wickem in the latest Pride and Prejudice (why haven't I writen anything about that? stupid me). Now there is a 2 disc AandE movie about this couple simply called Victoria and Albert. I must say I loved this new story about the two more then the AandE but the AandE is longer and tells more of the older years. I like long stories. But the newer version gave a much better love story and the two were much more attractive and as I always say it is much more entertaining to see two attractive people fall in love then it is watching ugly people. I'm so supperficial I know. This movie isn't in all the theaters but if you can find it, I recomend it to all my fellow British at heart friends out there.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

About a Boy

This is a wonderful movie. Probably in my top 10. It's a british film and also was a book. I need to read it. It's got Hugh Grant in it who's a grown man who really acts like a boy and a young kid who really has been forsed to grow up too fast. They are a terrible and not likely couple but they help eachother over come issues and learn to act their own age. I'm telling you it's sooooo good. It's got a little romance in it and I think it's really funny, but it's british humor so it might take a few watches to think it's funny. It was made in 2002 so it's out at the video store. Lindsey and Dan, if you haven't seen it you should, I think you guys would really like it. I'll say that to you guys because you're probably the only ones that read this, that is if you still are.