Sunday, February 14, 2010

Young Victoria

I should have been British for I love just about all things British. That includes the royals. But in all fairness I love any story about royalty, French, Russian,... Anyway, this story is about Queen Victoria and her husband Prince Albert. I got really excited to go see this movie so read up on the net of what their "true" story was. I was amazed at how closely they followed. Queen Victoria was played by the first assistant in The Devil Wears Prada and Prince Albert was Mr Wickem in the latest Pride and Prejudice (why haven't I writen anything about that? stupid me). Now there is a 2 disc AandE movie about this couple simply called Victoria and Albert. I must say I loved this new story about the two more then the AandE but the AandE is longer and tells more of the older years. I like long stories. But the newer version gave a much better love story and the two were much more attractive and as I always say it is much more entertaining to see two attractive people fall in love then it is watching ugly people. I'm so supperficial I know. This movie isn't in all the theaters but if you can find it, I recomend it to all my fellow British at heart friends out there.

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